Lost your card? Here's 4 steps to make sure you stay in control!

Hey, Community! :wave:

Ever experienced that sinking feeling when you realise your card is nowhere to be found? Whether it’s already happened to you, or it happens to you in the future, we’ve got you covered with a simple — yet effective — guide on what to do next.

1. Freeze your card — fast! :zap:

As soon as you notice your card is gone, freeze it! This stops anyone from using it and keeps your money safe.

To freeze your card, open your :r: Business app, go to ‘Cards’, tap the relevant card, and tap ‘Freeze card’. Easy peasy!

2. Order your new card :credit_card:

Don’t worry, you can order a new one easily. Once your old card is frozen, you can request a replacement through the app. Open your Revolut app, go to ‘Cards’ and tap the relevant card, before selecting ‘Report as stolen or lost’.

For Business customers, team members can request a new card themselves or account Owners and Admins can do it on their behalf.

3. Initiate a chargeback request :page_facing_up:

If you see any unauthorised transactions from your account after you lose your card, report them immediately. You can do this by heading to ‘Payments’, tapping the transaction, and selecting ‘Report an issue’. The entire process, from submission to Revolut to the final decision, can take up to 30 days for VISA transaction requests and 45 days for Mastercard transaction requests. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you in the loop via email at every stage!

It’s your right to safeguard your money, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

4. Reactivate your card — return to normal :star2:

Once you receive your replacement card or find your missing card, you can activate (or reactivate) your card and get back to spending.

Feel free to refer to this FAQ link for more information - What to do if my card’s been compromised, lost, or stolen?

Remember, staying calm and acting quickly is key when your card goes missing or gets compromised. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back and will help you do everything you need to protect your money! :rocket:

SG | Community Team


Clear, concise and to the point.

In instances of fraud is it worth changing the PIN number for the new card once ordered?


You might find [this reference] useful about changing the card PIN.


Hello @hemiipatu :wave: ,

Changing the PIN of your new replacement card is a smart move to prevent any sneaky transactions. :credit_card:

You can change your card PIN at any ATM that provides PIN services and accepts Visa or Mastercard. There are certain countries where ATMs don’t support PIN change, including Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, Spain, France, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. :earth_americas:

Hope this helps!

SG | Community Team

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