Log in issues

I registered Revolut with my old Australian number but the phone is now broken.
I try to log on with my old number but it says Revolut is not available in Australia and I cannot receive a verification code to log in and use the in app support. I now have a new Australian number and would like to set it up. Please advise how I can get into my account on my new phone with a new number. Thanks

Hi! The support team could change your number. You can reach them on Twitter (@RevolutApp) or on Facebook: https://facebook.com/revolutapp/ :slight_smile:

Thank you for
Your help

@KShaw I believe we have been in touch via social media to resolve this for you!

I’ve changed iphone keeping the same number (transferred SIM card). The Revolut app on the new phone keeps repeating “enter mobile number”, enter passcode", “check email”, “authenticate” etc etc - and does not allow me to access the app with my balance information. Hugely frustrating as I am about to travel and need the app!! Can someone help me? Is SO frustrating that there is no human help desk as this could probably be sorted in 5 minutes!

I’m having the same problem and need to access my account urgently

Hey rich63 I’m currently having the same issue. Changed phone, now revolut keeps repeating authentication request through email but not opening app. How did you resolve your issue?

unfortunately it’s unresolved. I’ve given up and am just running down my balance. I was a Revolut promoter but that has now changed following a total lack of response! Sorry I can’t help more