Loan payment from pocket

Could you please add the option to have loans takes payment from a pocket instead of main balance. I like to put aside loan payment in advance to make sure funds are available when due. Sometimes day to day, spending reduces the main balance below loan amount due so loan payment doesn’t go through. With pockets, i can make sure the funds are available.



If the loan payments are direct debits, you should be able to mark them as recurring. You can then link them to a pocket. If this doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, support can have a look at it for you.

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I’m not sure revolut loan payments are classed as direct debits unlike external loan payments, which may exclude them from being assigned to a pocket.

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Yeah, these are Revolut loans, not external. There is a “Repayment from” field which contains “Revolut - EUR” but there does not seem to be any way to change this.


I wanted to have this feature as well when I had an active loan.