Joint account creation process

hello revolut community!
do you have any idea about how long does the joint account creation process lasts?
I’ve applied for a joint account last sunday and since then I received no status/notification from revolut about the account creating process.
thank you very much!


@cleo4 Hello, Welcome to the community. :heart_eyes:

I am sorry to hear about this. :frowning_face: While joint account creation is usually quick and the invitee has 10 days to accept, I understand you haven’t received any updates since applying last Sunday.

To get the most accurate information about your specific application, we’ll need to check with our support team. Could you please contact us through the in app chat so that we resolve this asap. :pray:

Veda | Community team


Thanks, @Veda.Ramesh !
I just did that today and found out from the support team that there’s a know bug that blocks the joint account creation process, that will be fixed in the 10.14 version.


@cleo4 Thanks for the update, really appreciate you sharing that info. We’re aware of the issue and it’s getting top priority to be fixed in the upcoming 10.14 update. I apologize for the inconvenience while we get things running smoothly again. :rocket:

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Veda | Community team