Installing Revolut on new phone

I will soon move to new android phone most likely (keeping same phone number), so question is should I just install revolut app on new phone and everything will work? Is there necessity to keep current phone online (on wi-fi), when installing revolut on new one? (maybe there is some sort of push notification I need to enter from old phone to new one?)

Also, do I have to re-add my top-up cards on new phone or they will automatically will be there?

When I switched to my new phone, I just installed the Revolut-App, logged in (you’ll need the password/pin you’ve made when creating it), and all went automatically from there… Went very smooth tbh…

(unfortunatly I just topped-up with the Banktransfers, so I can’t say anything aout the saved cards)

Keep the old phone around, in the worst case you just need to switch the Sim-Card…


To be honest, I cannot remember if I added the cards after switching phones or when I installed the app on my secondary/travel phone. However, If you frequently take pictures of payments those will be stored on the device. I am not sure if those remain if you use an Android image of your old phone to start the new one.

Not necessarily, but having the old phone inline you’ll get push notification about logging in from another phone.

No, they’ll be waiting for you in new phone :slight_smile:


I switched to a new phone a month ago… I installed app, logged-in and then had to add my (physical) card.

hmmm, I have third phone and my cards (both: Revolut and cards to topup) are still in the app…

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This is what I see. I use the app on two phones simultaneously (beta and regular versions), I occasionally reinstall them and all cards are always in sync.

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Hello revolut my account isn’t work

How do I bind my Revolut account to a new phone ? I already have an account and a card .But it seems i cannot install my card on the new phone . I have the same phone number

The card is linked to your account. It should work when you logon with your phone number and passcode on the new phone. What’s wrong?

I had the same issue today.
Upgrading the phone software, uninstalling and again installing the Revolut app helped, so I’m using it now on the new cell phone.

I have switched to new phone, by :

  • phone number,
  • pin,
  • confirming in mail
  • selfie

Max 30 sec

Good luck !

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Well ,same issue here, hope you can help me with this issue. Bought a new phone (kept the same phone number), migrated all my apps . When trying to login in Revolut app, I am stuck on a loop:

  1. log in with my phone nr on the new phone
  2. input pin
  3. receive notif that I will get an email on this address → go to inbox on the new phone
  4. In the new phone email/inbox : click Authenticate
  5. I am sent back to the same login page “welcome to Revolut” Log in input your phone nr …
  6. Each time I am doing it I receive a new email with authentication, but still in the end I am presented with the same starting login page.

Should I not be on wifi on the new phone? The old one has no longer the sim on it so if not on wifi it will be disconnected

Best regards


I’ve exactly the same problem than @Yoshimitzu with exact same steps.
Everything was find on my OnePlus 9 Pro, but since I’m on the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, the connection in the app is not working.

I actually solved it via online chat with revolut team. Log into the website “A better way to handle your money | Revolut” and go to help/support chat and discuss with them.

New phone configured March 5. Same number as before. Migrated all apps according to Xiaomi config instructions. The only app not working is Revolut. Have deleted and reinstalled it a couple of times. No luck.

The app asks me to provide my +34 … phone number, then 4 digit pin code and I receive security code which I enter.
I am then asked to take a selfie for authentication purposes. I get my face (without glasses on) in the frame but the camera button doesn’t work. The Revolut app has all necessary permissions.
PS My Revolut card is working OK