How do beneficiaries gain access to a deceased member's Revolut account?

10/10 for publishing it online. Can I just emphasise to everyone, you will die one day so make it easier on your kids and - WRITE A WILL

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Hi there,

Beneficiaries should contact There’s certain documentation we require to verify the status of beneficiary and deceased person (death certificate, etc).


Thank you for this info.

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I came here to find out about this.
Thankyou for the replies.
We have lots of accounts and sometimes we forget about spouses accounts.
So we could have money in revolut, n26, degiro, monese etc and because they are all online there is no paper trail.
So if one or both of us dies some accounts might be missed.
There really should be some easily updated way to record these on the event of death.

Not so fast.
To answer this question, we first have to figure out which country Revolut accounts are being held in for the purpose of inheritance law. This doesn’t look trivial. For instance, it seems customers from EEA countries have their accounts in Lithuania.

This means that a user from Germany who has died is stuck with a Germany→Lithuania cross-border inheritance case, not a Germany→UK one. On the one hand, this makes things easier because border-crossing probate in the UK can be expensive (an empty non-residential bank account in the UK can easily cost £3000 in fees, and that figure is pre-brexit. Post-Brexit may be worse). On the other hand, I don’t speak Lithuanian and I don’t know anything about Lithuanian probate law, although European law will make things easier.

Since Lithuania is a civil law country, I’m wondering if it would be possible to set up a transmortal or postmortal power of attorney to make things easier. Then the representative of the deceased user can access the account and close it without going through the formal inheritance paperwork.

So… does Lithuanian law allow post-mortal power of attorney?

(For those of you who live in common law countries: I’m aware that there is no such thing as a post-mortal or trans-mortal power of attorney … but that rule applies to common law jurisdictions only.)