Help needed

Hi ive just applied for the Revolt card as im going to Disneyland in May. I want to use the card there and not the ATMs. Do i just transfer money from my own bank account into the Revolt one and leave it as Pounds or should I do it and convert to Euros. Is it contactless? Also what i dont spend away i want to be able to transfer my money back from Revokt account to my bank account, is that also possible.

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A really good way to get familiar with the product and how Revolut works are the FAQs. I believe spending maybe 10 minutes browsing through the FAQs will answer all your questions and will provide many more informations about details you’re not aware of yet. Make sure to switch to your region first on Revolut’s website. FAQs are region specific. That way, you get reliable informations.

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Hello @Traceymorris93 :wave:,

Welcome to our community. Let me answer your questions one by one. :hugs:

You just need to transfer money from your bank account to your Revolut account and Revolut will do the conversion automatically while you will use it for payments in Disneyland. After your holiday, if you want to transfer the remaining amount back to your bank account, you can do that as well.

Let me help you with some FAQ links :arrow_double_down:

Hope this helps. :sunflower:

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