Hello 👋🏻 help using in Mexico.

I’m a us citizen digital nomad and I really like your app. The constant sending a verification text to my phone is kind of annoying but I do appreciate the security. I have been using it for two days now and today the most. I’m enjoying it.

When I’m in Mexico the popular food delivery companies are Rappi, Didi, and UberEATS. When I’m using UberEATS they won’t take the card for some reason. I contacted their support and hopefully I’ll get an answer. I explained it’s an internationally accepted card that Rappi takes no problem.

Weird that UberEATS is finicky. Have you heard of having trouble with heard of anyone having trouble with that? Didi has an issue too. It’s annoying because I can use a burner card number for one single time, each time and it works beautifully but then if I add my revolut card to the wallet (my perm number) it will work one time then they mark it as suspicious. Or something.

I’m trying to get one card to rule them all. I don’t really mind the minimum load of 20 bucks that’s fine. Is that ever going to change?

One more to question, we pay our rent here with my roommates physical bank card and a third party wire service. We have to pay like 5 USD to use the service but it shoots the rent to him in five mins to thirty to his bank card. Do you guys do that? She uses remitly for it. That would save her five bucks.

It’s 800 USD for the rent for our house so if that works would that amount in a wire transfer hit any kind of limit?

Sorry for all the questions I’m trying to figure out how best to use this card. If I can get UberEATS Mexico to accept it and Didi too it would be ideal. Not sure if you guys can contact them and tell them to accept the card lol. Weird that Didi accepted a fresh burner number every time but not my perm.

I really like the burner number feature I wish cash app has that haha

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Hi @NataliaHaze :wave: and welcome to our Community!

If your card payment to UberEats / Didi failed on the merchant side, and it’s not visible in your Revolut app, it means the issue is coming directly from the merchant. Unfortunately, from our side we are unable to check why UberEats / Didi are not accepting our cards, as they international cards.

To pay rent, you can simply perform a transfer from your Revolut account to the beneficiary account.

To send a bank transfer to a new recipient:

  1. Select ‘Transfers’ from the menu bar at the bottom of your app
  2. Tap ‘+ New
  3. Choose ‘Bank recipient
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your transfer

After you’ve chosen the person you’re sending money to and reached the currency and amount selection screen, you can easily add a reference. The ‘Reference’ field is located right below the currency and amount you want to send.

Transfer times depend on the bank, country, and currency.

We show you the estimated arrival before you send a bank transfer.

Most currencies have no transfer limits. We’ll show you any exceptions in-app before you send money.

Hope this helps!

Thanks that helps me out a lot :grin:


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