Has anyone tried topping up using Transferwise?

For reasons too long to explain I am now without access to any smartphone, even to borrow.

I think there was an option to send money to Revolut’s bank account with my user ID in the reference field. I’d do that, but to use my internet banking I need my smartphone, which I don’t have, as mentioned.

Has anyone tried using Transferwise to top up a Revolut account? Does it work? How do I do it?

I haven’t tried it yet but theoretically it can work if you use your unique Revolut UK sort code and account number (not the one where you need to put your reference number).

I think everyone can send funds to your unique Revolut UK sort code and account number so Transferwise shouldn’t be an exception. But best to contact Support before doing anything.

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Hi @Croato,

Have you tried it this way? Did it work?

Yes. I have twice sent a CZK to EUR conversion to my Revolut account with GB EUR IBAN.