Find account number and sort code on latest app version?

I need to find my account number and sort code! There were instructions in the forum, but they only hold for a previous version of the app - after going to “top up” I can only look up IBAN, BIC and bank, no account number and sort code. Can somebody tell me how to find these?

Hey @Nestak :slight_smile:

Try changing the top-up currency first :wink:
You can also find the account under the More tab, in Profile, clicking Account details

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Thanks, you are right - I needed to open an account in British pounds (I had so far only €-account), than the account number and sort code popped up.


I need to find my Bank Account Number but I can only find the IBAN and swift. I cannot find the “Profile” tabs that people are referring to in the previosu replies. Anybody can help on how to find the account number?

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I do have the same problem. I can only see the IBAN and Swift for my GBP account, but apparently no Local tab and no Sort Code / Account Number. How can I view my details?

Hi, I am trying to find out my account number and sort code but only IBAN and BIC is written. My account is in GBP. please anyone can guide me.

Click on your profile in the top left (initials) and down to Documents. Next click on Account Confirmation and you will find all Account No, Sort Code, BIC and IBAN.

I’ve just done that and it shows the words “BIC/Sort Code and “IBAN/Account Number” but only displays the IBAN and BIC… is there no easy way to change it to local instead of SWIFT?

Ta very much

Please be precise what exactly you want to have displayed and I will try to look it up for you. If you want to see the sort code and account number of your GDP account:
in the phone app select accounts → if necessary in the dropdown select “British Pound” → click on the British flag → you get a screen where you can toggle between “LOCAL” and “SWIFT”. LOCAL shows the sort code and account number, SWIFT shows IBAN and BIC. For other currencies it is analogical.

Ok solved, indications below were helpful!

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