Feature To Set A "Reference Currency"

When I am travelling (or living abroad) I often use Revolut to exchange to the local currency which it is great for. However, often times it is hard figuring out how much I just spent, especially when I am uncertain of the currency conversion rates. Because of this, I am often encouraged not to exchange the money at all, because then Revolut converts it in the moment and the notification will tell me both the local currency and the cost in my familiar currency. This works, but then I am more open to certain fees, and doing currency conversions at poor times.

I think it would be very cool to be able to exchange all my money in advance, see how much it cost in the local currency, but also still see the amount in a currency I am familiar with. It could be an optional setting somewhere where you choose a “reference currency”, then whenever you get a transaction notification on your phone, it would show how much you paid, but also how much that was worth in your chosen reference currency.

It could look like this: "- ¥1200 (Approx. €7.38)

The “approx” means the transaction looks different to when Revolut does a conversion in the moment.


Hello @AzzyDude24601 :wave:,

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