Experience in Qatar ?

Good morning, I try to change my bank IBan to QNB but is look like REVOLUT is not on QNB banque someone get the same problem ?

Revolut is not in many overseas bank automatic details, so the way around is to add another UK bank address details, such as Lloyds, which should be in their system. However input your correct / exact Revolut IBAN, as long as your IBAN is correctly entered it will arrive. Do a small test transfer to be sure.

If you want an investigation, you’ll have to pay unfortunately. Don’t rely on ANY bank here for the money to come back or for any form of protection.
Each transfer comes with a code (CBQ send you a separate email with it) so as to track it effectively. Step1 is to ask QNB for the payment number associated with your swift transfer that will make it easier for revolut to find in the banking system.
Step 2 if you aren’t yet, is to upgrade your revolut membership to premium or metal so you’ll receive better customer service.

Worst comes to worst, you’ll have to send a complain to QCB (Qatar Central Bank) and that I understand works well. Of course if the mistake is indeed QNB’s.

Hi Guys, July 2021 and Revolut is blocked by QNB and very recently by HSBC.

I am looking for the cheapest way to covert QAR to EUR, what do you advise as of today? Thank you.

What I do is to send dollars to another HSBC account outside Qatar and then I send them to revolut

Recently I was in Qatar and used my card several times for payments. Although the exchange rate is not the best

Does anyone have the latest update on transferring QAR to Revolut? Sterling has dropped quite a bit so would be nice to have QAR in Revolut to be able to convert to EURO or GBP. Thanks

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I know this is an old thread and things change, but i thought i would update it with my experience as i was holding out for this to work so that i could get my salary home.

Unfortunately it looks like this way is no longer possible. I have been into CBQ at city mall today and they advised me that the “Telex Transfer” form is only available to fill out online. I have spoken to both CBQ and Revolut who both say they are happy to send and recieve in QAR but the online forms dont let you do this. I have to select what currency I want my money sending back in and receive an error message when i select QAR stating it is not a valid currency. I can send it back in GBP but the difference in revoluts exchange rate and CBQs exchange rate is £110 per 10,000 QAR!! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

It would have been nice to have had the flexability to have this money in revolut so we can transfer it too and from QAR/GBP as needed :slightly_frowning_face:.

Also just to clarify CBQ also confirmed for me today that they are now happy dealing with REVOLUT again. Apparently there were issues before but they sent a few emails while i was there and confirmed that everything is now good. I know some people have still had issues with transferring money accross though :man_shrugging: