Credit Card service availability


Any idea when the Credit Card will be available to Maltese Residents? I will definitely switch my bank to Revolut if this product is launched.

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Hello @jpattard :wave: ,

Welcome to our community. Currently, Credit Cards are available to eligible customers based in Lithuania, Ireland, United States and Poland, and Spain. If our credit features aren’t available in your home country yet, don’t worry – we’re working on it. We’ll let you know as soon as we launch them!

SG | Community Team

Thank you so much for replying. I trust more Revolut than local banks; their service is crap and medieval style. I look forward to this and much more.


@jpattard, Your trust in us is greatly appreciated. We are dedicated to expand our services worldwide. Please bear with us. :hugs:

SG | Community Team

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Please add germany soon :smile: Athen I could cancel my actual Credit Card. :partying_face:


Hello @Claas :wave: ,

Welcome back to our community. We are happy to hear that you’re interested in using our credit card. Please be patient with us. :hugs:

SG | Community Team

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