Companies which accepts only cards linked to a bank account

I have both, from Revolut, a MasterCard and a Visa, none of them have PREPAID printed on it. Not on the front and not on the back.

But i understand that they are prepaid cards.

Ohh for f*** sake :open_mouth:

I checked the card three times earlier today and could not find any print. Now, after you pointed it out, I checked that very location specifically and actually did find it. Either you have one of the most sensitive cameras in the world :bow: or the print is even lighter and tinier in my case :man_shrugging:

Anyway, thanks @Platin, should I ever need to prove to someone what kind of card it is I now know where to point to … (wouldhaveneverfoundthat :laughing:)

LMAO :rofl: welcome to the club :laughing:

Mines have both on back left up corner of the signature box. But the blue/ standard card is less visible.

On the black one they used white :expressionless: so I had to use a black marker :grimacing:

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I had to take a magnifying glass to make that out! :laughing:

BTW at

It clearly states what kind of card revolut issues and that they are not connected to a bank account :slight_smile:

Jolly good, thats the legal speak. Does not change the fact that it is bound to your currency pools/accounts/whatever you want to call them.

We have already established that the merchant declined the card because it is listed as prepaid card.