Changed phone with same number. App doesnt let me login

I can’t get into the App either and no options for help outside the App? Did anyone have a solution to this?

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Got a bug on Revolt to send me authentication email. An Agent told me to uninstalled the app. I wish I have never listened to this person. I can’t log on my account now. Help me please?

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I have the same problem, can someone help us??

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I’ve changed my phone, tried logging in. Now I’m stuck in the “Your selfie is being verified” screen, no change for the last hour. I don’t think this is normal. I’ve been eager on using Revolut and I’ve even had some friends and family members join, but this is highly inconvenient.

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Same issue here - I can’t login anymore after trying to change my Phone :frowning:
What shall I do?

Edit 12. Aug 2020 12:24
I could login now with a different (former) number.
Either the support has changed something(?) or I was somewhat off yesterday.

But when I read the feedback in this thread I would say the App flow is at least misleading / needs some improvement.


Hi there. I’ve been having much trouble accessing Revolut. I forgot my code, keep asking and receiving emailed Revolut authentications but I cannot get into the app at all.

I have since remembered the code but of course that’s been cancelled. HELP please. Just want to access my account. How do I do it? Any help hugely appreciated. Thanks guys.


Switched phone. Downloaded the app. Enter phone number I’ve used before. Have to create a new password. Ok. Register my self again. Try to to use the email I registered before switching phone. Not possible, email already in use. Try to register with new email, not possible, you already have an account.

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Got a new phone and successfully updated the app with my new number, but now cannot login in on either my new or old phone. The app will only allow me to create a new account. Any help much appreciated in how I access my account and funds again please.

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My phone was robbed.
I got a new phone with the same sim number.
The new phone is the exact brand and model than the old
i cannot find the app on the google store
if i press the app link on the revolut page it takes me to the google store ith the message
“your phone doesnt support this version of the app”
Ho can i solve this?

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What phone? What OS and what version? Maybe you were running an old version of the :r: app that supported your phone.

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Its android. HTC one m9 plus

i try to donload the app from playstore and its doesnt go

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This phone is quite old (in smartphone manufacturers’ years). Does it run Android 5 or 6? Not sure what’s the minimum Android version supported by the :r: app.

edit: App store says: 5.0 and up. Sorry, I have no idea what’s wrong. Try to contact :r: on Twitter/Facebook.

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I’m having the same issue: same phone number, just updated phone, and took a selfie to verify myself and it’s been stuck on “We’re verifying your selfie - 100%” for hours". What do I do, I need access to my funds, I’m abroad!!!

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Same here… i just switched to another phone, installed the app, tried to login:
app asks for my phone number, i type it;
app “sends me confirmation email” and it never arrives… i tapped “didn’t receive” (send another one) like tens of times… it just doesn’t send :confused: (obviously i’ve clearly checked everytime for junk/spam/whatever else)

please help!

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Hi, I logged out and unable to log in. Same phone number and email but it says wrong phone number and different email. Please help

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This is a user community, no Revolut support here.

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Hi. I have switched phones and can’t remember my passcode. I have the same number. The app asks me to take a selfie and also upload my drivers licence. I get a notification that my identify has been verified but the app does not progress past that same screen. Rather it waits for ages then says the session has expired and forces me to start again. There is no way to send a message in the app without logging jn. So I’m stuck. Can Revolut issue me a new passcode please!!


Please check my post just above yours.

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Witam, borykam się z podobnym problemem . Jakieś 6 miesiecy temu, postanowiłem założyć sobie konto Revolut. Wszystko szło dobrze do momentu gdy podczas nieskonczonej do końca rejestracji rozładowała mi się bateria w telefonie . Proces rejestracji zostal porzucony z automatu i nie mam możliwości zalogowania się do konta . Przy próbie powtórnej rejestracji wszystko idzie gładko . Ale nadchodzi moment gdzie podajesz datę urodzenia. Wtedy wyskakuje mi komunikat ze użytkownik już istnieje i prosze sie zalogować. Przy probie logowania podaje numer telefonu na który wówczas rejestrowałem konto i co najlepsze wyskakuje mi komunikat że numer telefonu nie jest przypisany do zadnego użytkownika. Probowalem juz wszystkich sposobów na odzyskanie konta i do dzisiaj nie mam pomyslu jak to zrobić. Ma moze ktoś z Was wiedzę jak mogę tą sytuację rozwiazać?

I have exactly the same problem pleas help me revolut​:worried::worried::worried: