Change residence, new account denied


So recently I moved, and contacted revolut support, since I cound now change my address. They told me to change it I have to close my account and register again.
So I did just that, closed my account, got the confirmation e-mail, and tried to register again, but got denied. Twice. So now I cannot even access the live chat…


Hello @Hello123 :wave:,

Welcome to our community. Sad to hear about your situation. :frowning_face:

Can you please confirm with me the error message if you’re getting any? :thinking:

SG | Community Team

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There is not really an error message, just when i try to register a new account, it gets denied.


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Hello @Hello123 :wave:,

I’m really sorry to hear about the issue you’re currently experiencing. Please start by following the basic troubleshooting steps. :arrow_double_down:

  • Clear cache & cookies: Ensure to clear the cache cookies on your phone.
  • Strong Wifi: Make sure to check your wifi connection
  • Updated version: Don’t forget to download the latest version of the Revolut app.
  • Restart device: Restart your device once

After finishing these steps, please attempt to register once more and inform us if you encounter the same issue. :pray:

SG | Community Team