Card blocked

I’m writing because I’m having serious problems with my credit card. It was blocked once because when I clicked the PIN wrong many times. So I try to unblock it using it at an atm and, after struggling a bit I managed to extract money. But still when I try to use it for in-person payments it doesn’t work and it appears to be blocked. I still manage to use it in atms but it’s never working in in-person payments, looks like it’s stuck, it gets blocked instantly even though I don’t click my pin wrong. Can you please help me to properly unblock it??
Thanks in advance.


Hello @Ambro :wave: ,

Welcome to our community. To unfreeze your card:

  1. Head to the Cards section.
  2. If you can see the option to ‘Unfreeze’ the card above the transactions list, it means that the card was blocked.
  3. You can easily activate it in the same section of the app by tapping on ‘Unfreeze’ (the icon resembling ice).

To know other reasons regarding why are you unable to use the card, please check this FAQ link - Why can’t I use my card? :card_file_box:

SG | Community Team

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