Can't Find My Amount

Hey Frank, I’m new here. I need an urgent help, matter is I opened my Revolut bank account about a month a go and did deposit some amount, out of which I used delivery fee for getting the standard debit card and remaining amount I transferred back to my Austrian Bank account. Now, I again wanted to deposit amount here in revolut bank account to I have already saved the Iban and account details of my Revolut account. As I transferred money from ky Austrian bank to Revolut account I did not receive the amount ane when I checked my account details I have totally new iban now of my revolut bank account. how it can be possible? i have proof of transaction I did on 23 Dec,2023 and today. In both transactions my Iban is totally different of my Revolut bank account.
Where is that amount gone?

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Hey @Akash07,

I don’t think IBANs change that often, but I may be wrong.
You should contact :r: directly via the in-app chat.

Even though he’s very knowledgeable, Frank is not a Revolut employee. He’s just a user, like you or me. You can recognize a Revolut employee by that R on their profile picture.
To notify a user, you should use @ in front of their name.



Hey @bog thank you so much for your kind response.It’s very helpful

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Hello @Akash07 :wave: ,

We get why you’re worried about sending money to the wrong account. It’s best to contact your bank so they can track down the transfer and assist you in getting your money back. :pray:

Thanks for the help @bog. :hugs:

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