Cannot top up via bank transfer

I have installed Revolut app yesterday. After that I made money transfer from UK account to the account that is provided in ‘swift’ tab. My transfer of 15 £ was made via IBAN. I’ve checked balance today and it still was 0 £ so I made another transfer, this time I used account number and sort code encoded in the IBAN (I double checked it) - again 15 £. After waiting reasonable amount of time (more than 4 hours already) my balance is still 0 £.

How long does it take from the time money have reached you to update the balance? I’m sure bank would have already transferred money to you. Can I do something to find out where is my money? Thanks for any help.

Hey @user-1880 :slight_smile:

From a UK account you should make a transfer using the local account and sort code. SWIFT transfers will take (like any SWIFT transfer) from 1 to 2 working days to arrive :wink:

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He @Juliopp
I know that SWIFT will take time, I was hoping that bank will understand that if I’m using IBAN to UK account this is non-swift transaction (I haven’t set it to SWIFT, just used IBAN and HSBC sent it as SWIFT anyway), but they didn’t. It just adds one more reason not to use UK banks if possible.

Anyway, as I said, today morning I payed again, this time using account and sort code and still haven’t received money into my Revolut account :(.

Hey @user-1880 :slight_smile:

Local transfers take around 4 hours but might sometimes take a tad more. They should take place in the same day as far as I’m informed however :face_with_monocle: