Budgeting: exclude event *types* from analytics

Every month, I transfer part of my income to an investing account.
Every month, I have to manually mark it such that it’s “excluded from analytics”, as I don’t want it to count as an expense towards my budget.
To me it would be natural that investments be excluded as a default.
Or at least it should be possible to create a rule that excludes all Investiment type transactions from the budget.

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Well, technically, you’re moving money out. So I personally would be puzzled if this would be excluded from statistics and budgeting by default. For most budgeting die hards, the correct category would be “investment”, “wealth” or “savings” – or any other individual category you can set up for yourself. The app then might recognise recurring payments correctly in the future.

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Fair enough, maybe changing the default behavior is too much, but there’s little to lose by enabling users to exclude categories of expenditures if they choose to do so, right?

App developers usually want to reduce complexity. And they want to to make customers happy. Your best option seems to be to encourage more users to support the feature request. There’s an option to vote :slight_smile:

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