Blocking merchants not available

I am having trouble blocking merchant on my Revolut account. When I try to block them it gives the message “this merchant cannot be blocked”. When i try to add a merchant to blocked payments the payment does not appear. I will keep my card frozen as I am concerned they will try and extract money from me through an exploitative uncancellable “subscription” model but would like to block them altogether.


@Rians Hello, Welcome to the community. :heart_eyes:

I am sorry to hear about this. :frowning_face: To block this subscription please follow the below steps :

  • Account > Security & Privacy > Blocked merchants > Add new
  • There will be warnings before blocking a merchant
  • Blocked merchants can be found and unblocked from Account > Security & Privacy > Blocked

Please note that a maximum of 5 blockages in total and 3 in the last 30 days are allowed. After a declined transaction, you no longer need to wait 30 days to unblock the merchant. The 30 days cool off period has been removed.

Hope this helps. :pray:

Veda | Community team

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Hello thank you for the response. The issue is that the merchant does not appear in the timeline when I reach that screen. Latest transaction is from a few days after.

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