API Without Business account


In order to further improve my tracking capability, i would like to somehow access my revolut activity.
I know I can export it every month (or any time), however I would really appreciate if i could access this data in a streamed fashion.

I was wondering whether it’s possible to fetch these from an API endpoint without signing up for a business plan.

Kind Regards,
Balazs Hajdu


+1 Exactly what I was thinking when I heard about the business API.

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<sarcasm>what’s next? a web interface?! revolut is app-only for *censored* sake! that’s all normal people needs these days!</sarcasm>

it kind of sounds like you do run a business. if it’s a one person business, even if incorporated as a limited liability company, you can apply a for a freelancer account for the same price as a premium human. I didn’t know so I’m paying £25 instead of £6.99, but I’m still saving quite a bit of money.

keep in mind that the standard personal account has very limited free FX and high risk of getting blocked.


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My case has nothing to do with any kind of business. I am simply a data-chauvinist with uncontrollable urge to statisfy my OCD. I have no intention to manage partners, initiate payments, integrate with my ERPs and any kind of business processes.

In layman terms i would like to access my statement throughout an API (or in worse case just by a service that sends me my statement any time it updates, or at least in a daily manner).

I would like to create my own analysis as the one in the applycation is not customizable enough for my needs.


I would definitely want an API for my personal Revolut account !

For about 10 years I use an application to record all my spendings. It would be great to make all the payments from Revolut, put descriptions on all transactions and import all data into my existing system.

I don’t want to loose my 10 years history + I prefer my system for the evidence of spendings.

Revolut Business is not a solution + the API doesn’t export the transaction description introduced by the user.



I have a premium account and a proper API access would help greatly on justifying the membership. Continue the disruption by offering the best service, please!




@anon33247966 Is there or will there be a way to access my data via an API? I’m scripting a bunch of budget things and would love to be able to do this and not have to enter everything manually.


I opened revolut account expecting that such API available for every account and not only for business.

please enable it also for standard accounts, ability to retrieve transaction history would be sufficient, to reduce potential load you can set requests limit.


We (Outbank) are also interested in getting access to an Revolut non-business to give our users again the possibility to integrate Revolut in Outbank.
All contact attempts from our side got no response from Revolut at all.


I second this motion. I want to be able to manage my bank accounts in one place with the Outbank app. Please make this possible.


@Breitei I suggest to contact one of the developers like https://twitter.com/beingjoshy on social media. My guess is that that’s going to be more effective than a post here.

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Thanks. We contacted him. Let’s see what answer we get.

Me too! Please support Outbank again!

Please support Outbank! I’d love to have all my accounts back in one place.

I support this request as well. I use Outbank to keep track of all my accounts, and to save historical data (e.g. for tax purposes). It really sucks to not have Revolut in there; it means that anything that might be tax relevant I cannot pay for using Revolut.

PSD2 API should be available for 3rd party banking Apps

I use Outbank as well for all my accounts incl. some Swiss banks which I selected by the ability to be used in Outbank. It’s a pain to check more than one app for an overview. I hope Revolut can reoffer an API asap.

Revoult’s API is available under PSD2 regulation. Outbank so far refuses to register as a PSD2 X2A (PSD2 Access to Account) service. If they would do that, they would have access to Revolut. Moneymoney uses Revolut’s API and it works. This blame game is ridiculous. I’ve lost my patience with Outbank. Outbank seems to assume that Fintecs should offer either (unregulated) alternative APIs or rely on legacy standards instead to make their business model work.

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Hi Frank
thanks for clarification!
I’ll contact Outbank with this information and will see how they react.
For me as user from Outbank and Revolut it would be great to all accounts in one place.