Added money not visible in my account, visible in bank statement

I went to add money to my revolut account. First, i was redirected to saltedge page which asked for card authorization. After that, i was redirected to my bank application for another card authorization. After both successful authorizations, money has been withdrawn from my bank account but is not visible in my revolut account. Is there a way to check what is happening?


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Hello @jagor1987 :wave: ,

Welcome to our community. It is natural to feel concerned about the money, so your worries are completely valid.

Transfer processing times vary based on location and currency. If you are unsure of which transfer method was used, please confirm with the sender bank.

:uk: Receiving GBP:

Faster Payments (FPS): Within a few hours but up to 1 business day

Salary payments (usually BACS): 2–3 business days

CHAPS: Up to 1 business day

:eu: Receiving Euro:

Regular SEPA: 1–2 business days

SEPA Instant: Within a few minutes.

:earth_africa: International transfers:

SWIFT transfers: up to 5 business days.

If the transfer timeframe has passed, please check this FAQ link to know what should be the next step - What should I do if a transfer doesn’t arrive to my Revolut account? :arrow_backward:

SG | Community Team