Account blocked/top-up by 3 differents cards

Hi! I have a huge problem with my revolut account. Tomorrow I have top up my account with 3 differents cards (mine, my father’s and my mother’s card) because I needed to have enough money to pay my rent. I know now it is a very bad solution!
Because now my account is blocked and I can’t use my revolut card. I really need my account quickly. Could you help me please? Thanks

Hi @Amelia,

Thank you for contacting us.

We advise using your own card to top-up your Revolut account. If someone else would like to add money to your Revolut account, they can download the Revolut app and use the ‘Send’ function to transfer money to your account instantly.

Please send me a direct message with your phone number associated with your account.


Andreas K

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Solved on Facebook :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:


I can generate, directly from my bank account temporary virtual cards (with a different number from my physical bank card) and use only the amount i predefined. And i made it initially when i registered to Revolut (for the 10€).

So, will i have problems if i do it to top-up my Revolut account? I can generate how many cards i want, and even the number being different, it has always my name on it.


The original issue here was that these card were not in the name of the Revolut account owner.
If all the cards are in your name you will not have issues (unless hit with source of fund verification)

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Than i contacted support and they said it wouldn’t be a problem. Indeed, i created another virtual card and made a top-up with no problems at all.
