A Purchase Of £60 Or More Which Is Your Close To Heart?🎁

Hello everyone :wave:.

How are y’all doing? What’s your weekend plans?:thinking:

As usual, I did not have any plans so I was just scrolling down randomly and I came across this interesting topic called “A Purchase of £60 Or More Which Is Your Close To Heart”.

Of course, I changed the amount to keep up my creativity but the topic remains the same.:joy:

Have you ever thought that a purchase can be close to your heart? Surprising, right? I was too until I bought one pendant engraved with my father’s name. Without any doubt, that’s close to my heart and will remain the same for the rest of my life.:heart:

Have you ever purchased anything which is close to your heart? Or are you planning to buy now?:blush:

Come on! Share that with us. We’re waiting!!!

Veda | Community team


Me and my partner met in Chester, but moved to his home town in the North East, so we got some canvas made, one of picturesque Chester and the iconic bridge, and then one of his home town, so wherever we went, would always have a visual memory, alongside other memories we have made in each location.


Wow @Carl_1460, this is so romantic. :heart_eyes_cat: Thanks for sharing this story with us. We wish you & your partner a great life ahead. :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

SG | Community Team