Visa Direct?

Visa Direct is a method of money transfer that puts the money backwards onto a VISA card. Has anyone used this with the Revolut Visa or virtual Visa?


backward onto a VISA from where?

Whoever uses it. You can learn more about it on Visa’s website, if you’re interested.

I have an update. Spoke with support and they said that although it isn’t officially supported it should appear within 5 days, and that if you send it in a non-holding currency it’ll be converted to your base currency.

But Revolut needs to shape up their systems. Visa is mandating that from October 2018 and onwards it must take less than half an hour and it must be officially supported.

So is it working? Any one tried it? If yes how to send money from Revolut to Visa card?

Sorry, it seems to be a misunderstanding. I am talking about sending money to a Revolut Visa, not the other way round. If you try to send Visa Direct to Revolut, it will most likely not work, as it did not with my friend

This, together with Mastercard MoneySend would be great.