Two Factor Authentication

Sorry guys any update on this subject please?

Im using EU account with mandatory 2fa but it supports only SMS. Need to support authenticator app or email asap because my mobile operator doesn’t work in all countries I visit.

Also, remove 2fa for basic things like to see the virtual card details or send money in a travel to a favourite contact without require 2fa would be the ideal imho.


Authenticator is not sufficient under current regulation.

2FA for money transactions needs the option to show you additional information about the details of the transaction. Amount, purpose, what kind of action you’re verifying. This is not possible with time based one time passwords.

You can already configure trusted contacts and merchants. Check the contact details, you should find this setting:

A similar feature is available for card transactions where you can mark a merchant as trusted to skip 2FA.

Would also like to see some alternative authentication methods. I do not use smart phones, so authentication within the app is no good for me, and the web version of the app is very limited as this point in time. I don’t even have the option to create a transfer.

Completely agreed with 2FA. sms authentication is a middle ages…

Has this issue advanced in the past 5 years? I have the same problem - travelling and swapping SIMs. Recently I found that when I use my backup phone (iPhone) instead of my primary (Android), Revolut doesn’t ask for SMS codes for any in-app actions (like viewing card details), just touch/face ID. What is the point of needing it for Android phones then?
I mean, two years ago in the EU we were cancelling SMS authentication for banking apps because it didn’t meet security standards…