Transfer Statements on iOS and web-app


When you do a transfer, you can download a “transfer confirmation” or “transfer statement” of it by clicking on the transfer and then clicking on “download confirmation”.

When you download this “statement” via the iOS app, you get a nice Transfer Confirmation page with details of the transfer, including the SEPA reference. It doesn’t allow you to save it as a PDF, to forward it to a receiving party, but hey, at least you can take a screenshot of it.

If you go into, the web-app, click on the transfer and then click on Download Transfer Statement, it does open a PDF with the transfer on it, BUT,

  1. It doesn’t show the SEPA reference, and
  2. It shows your ACCOUNT’S BALANCE !!!

So if I want to send a friend proof of transfer and get it from, it will show my friend how much balance there is on my bank account.

I think some developer didn’t think this through. The web-app ( should show a proper transfer confirmation PDF with transfer details and without the balance.

On the other hand, the iOS app should have a button to actually share or save the transfer confirmation page as a PDF.

Hi ! I do have the same problem. I have paid a medical consultation and I need to download the pdf, but there is no way.

Just use the web login as a workaround until the issue is fixed.

I’m in the same situation with gothicx, I have paid a medical consultation and I need to download the pdf, but there is no way. I tried on android phone, and web login from my pc. The download function do nothing…

On PC, actually check if your browser allows you to download files. It could be blocked by adblock or the builtin popup blocker.

It worked now, adblock problem, thanks