Spelling error in your automated e-mail text!

Your automated e-mail text “Hi, you can recieve $ 1.20 without commissions using this link: rev.money/xxxxx” has a spelling error in it…it should be RECEIVE.

This makes the recipient assume this is spam or a scam.

Also the message needs to be more professional as it still look ‘scammy’. It needs to be something like:

I have sent you $X.XX, which you can receive without any fees or commissions, by using this link. rev.money/xxxxx.

Brought to you by REVOLUT - the online payment company. [Or something obviously authentic].


Yeah. Revolut should probably take their official mail template with the logo on the top and the footer with all juridic informations… and correct the error! :slight_smile:

Great feedback. :smiley: