[Solved] Increasing top-up limits without P60 or payslips

Hello everyone,

I’ve tried to contact support, but it’s been over 48h since support escalated my issue to a relevant team and I’m still waiting. Therefore, I’m writing everything here, hoping that someone can help.

I have been trying to raise my top-up limits over 5k€. However, it requires uploading:

1. P60 or payslip for the last 3 months;
2. Bank statement showing these funds coming into your account;
3. Bank statement showing funds leaving your account to Revolut;

Nr. 2. and 3. I am able to get from my bank. However, nr. 1. I can’t because I don’t have a source of income for the last 6 months (it is actually delayed, since I have a scholarship that started on September but I haven’t yet received any funds from this), neither do I do taxes since I’m still a student (I don’t have a work contract).

So, how am I able to verify my source of income if in practice I have none? I will receive my scholarship funds the next month, however I may not be able to wait that long…

Since I’m writing this topic, I would also like to ask if it is OK that I have hidden the amount of money I have on my account in documents nr. 2. and nr. 3. This means that I have edited the PDF, but only to hide that detail.

Thank you very much,

The support took care of my situation today through the live chat. Thank you very much.

Someone can close this or mark as solved.