Receive contactless payments/top ups

Is it technically possible to incorporate an RFID reader in the app so that a payment could be taken from a card with contactless payment chip and added to your revolut account? This would be a game changer and allow revolut to take on all the card processing merchants currently charging extortionate fees


I guess that would be a bit illegal, and most likely not possible. Think about it, you could walk up to anyone’s pocket and top-up your account.

That would sure be a nice feature:rofl: I might disable contact less payment when they introduce it :thinking:

Not really. There are a number of mobile payment offerings out there and endless merchants using them. PCI compliance and transaction tracing make fraud a manageable problem.

Think about it, I go near your pocket with my phone, click top-up 25EUR, boom you’re out 25EUR, but yeah if we think outside of the box, if this can be only applied by merchants, and you need to accept the payment in your Revolut app too, or something like that(3Dsecure?), then it COULD be a viable option, but unless it’s regulated very thoroughly, then it’s not safe.

Hola, acabo de darme de alta en la app, he recargado 50 €, sin embargo mi banco me ha retenido los 50 € mas 19,95, ¿alguien sabe el motivo? gracias