Reactivate deactivated accounts

After the update of the app I can’t find where I can reactivate my deactivated accounts. Any help would appreciated.

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Found it :ok_hand: and the 20 characters.

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How did you do it? I’m still looking for it.

Looking forward to enroll myself in a college degree to learn how to deal with this interface. I’ve been trying to activate another currency for like 2 hours. This is just wrong. :laughing:

On your profile page you can add an reactivate/deactivated you accounts.

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Worked, thank you! :slight_smile:

That part of the interface is exactly as It was before - no change.

It was possible to add another currency account by clicking a button on the interface, it doesn’t seem to work now.

Before you could access them from the front screen. Never been around my profile page before now to manage accounts.

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Never mentioned it was a wrong move from revolut, just couldn’t find it after update. That was my issue. They can please it anywhere they want as long as I know where to find it :wink: