Problems with payments, refunds, closed account

I literally don’t know where to write and who to ask. Nobody is responding me via app since yesterday.

I had a business account that was closed by Revolut team. They told me to immediatelly move out my money and I decided to pay for taxes. I have sent £900 to HMRS, money went out from my account and the account was closed. 3 months later I found out that these money didn’t get HMRS and I dont know where they are?
Revolut team just ignore me.
Like, literally ignore. Last message was sent me yesterday at 12:52

I’ll tag @olga_revolut & @rafael_revolut for you. They’ll help when they’re on their shifts.

Hello @irena_barto :wave: It seems that this case was successfully resolved via business chat. I hope that my colleague managed to answer all your questions to your satisfaction. Please let me know via private message if this was not the case, so I can have a second look into your case :mag:
Kind regards,