"Previous year (PY)" and "This year" breakdown in Analytics tab for tracking expenses


Please add additional two tabs for keeping track of your expenses in Analytics tab.

Currently we have monthly (<…>, Jan 2017, Feb 2017, <…>, December 2017,), “This month” and “All time” breakdowns.

At the year end, it would be quite nice to compare your expenses not only on the monthly, but also on a yearly basis. As such, it would be nice if you could add:

Year x (e.g. Year 2016, Year 2016 etc.) breakdowns for previous year expenses and an additional “This year” breakdown following after “This month” breakdown. The longer you have the app, “All time” becomes more useless :slight_smile:



I would think very useful!

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Hey there! Good idea :slight_smile:


Having used Revolut for over a year now, I’d find this very useful too and I’m surprised it doesn’t already exist.
The “all time” tab certainly doesn’t make much sense after a certain amount of time.

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Yes, I’ve been missing this as well!
When you try to improve your finances, a yearly comparison would help a lot!
With the new option to show analytics for month or week, adding year is hopefully not too hard! :clap:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: