Premium - Trading - using Euro pocket

Hi, there seems to be the requirement to transfer USD to a Trading pocket, and have enough funds on this pocket, before I can start trading.

Suggestion: it would be so much easier to be able to trade from the Revolut accounts. For example if I purchase 1000 USD of a stock and have 200 USD in my USD account and 10 000€ in my Euro account (my base currency) then the purchase of stocks would deduct 200 USD from my USD account and the equivalent of 800 USD from my base EUR account.

Having a special dedicated pocket of USD for Trading is a constraint.


I agree. But I can see this being a regulatory hurdle. The regular USD pocket is an e-money pocket, while the USD trading account is something else. I am just guessing here, but what I guess is that this seems to be an easy thing to change, alas, under the hood, it isn’t.

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I found out that I can easily and instantaneously move USD from my Revolut USD account to my Revolut USD Trading account and back. I am guessing that there is no limit to doing this, so I am good with the way it works.

Did anyone get any feedback from R on this?I second pprp’s idea. That would make it easier to buy stocks on the spot instead of having to go and do a transfer on the spot, potentially missing your target price