Payment link does not work although I’m verified

A friend wanted to send me money from his Revolut account via a payment link. After entering my country, my number and the sms code, it always shows me to verify my account which I already have done („please verify your account by going to More -> Profile -> verification and limits“). How can I receive the money?

If you both have Revolut accounts, you don’t need to send links. After alloowing access to the address book from within the app, you should be both recognised as account holders (little blue R next to the name) and can send money instantly.

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Please remember that contact number has to have country direction number (e.g. +44 for GB, +49 for Germany and so on)

Thanks for your fast reply! I was hoping to avoid giving access to my address book. Also my friend didn’t allow access to his contacts. But either way, there must be an error. I just found out my friend still hasn’t verified his account, so I guess this could be the issue.

Thanks your your answer! I checked but this isn’t the problem. After entering my country, they automatically put the correct country direction number.

Yes, I can see that causing problems.

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Problem solved. It didn’t work because my friend had not completed his verification.

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