Option to disable GBP transactions to block dynamic currency conversion

How should I avoid DCC at ATMs, though?

For example: Pretty much all ATMs in my region now use DCC (Germany, a metropolitan area). When I try to get money, they try to convince me to use DCC via 2 pop-ups first, with a surcharge of around 5-10%.

If I then decline, the ATM surcharges a fee of 2,95 € for not using DCC. I’m really punished for not using it.

Meaning: I can decide between being charged 10% or the ATM fee. The ATM fee does not apply if I use DCC or if my carge is issued in the local currency, which Revolut just is not. The only solution to avoid this, is to have another credit card in my local currency available. This shows that Revolut is still not a replacement solution for local banks.