Open Banking Linked Accounts

Thank you so much!

We develop an open banking web app, and we are facing the following issue.

We registered the issue when the user opens our web app on iPhone in a non-default browser, i.e. Chrome. After the user selects Revolut in our app and starts the process of authorization, we redirect user to
?response_type=code id_token

At the moment, Revolut mobile app is being opened on the user’s phone, and after the user authorizes himself, the Revolut app opens the specified redirect_uri, but in the default browser, in this case, Safari. The user ends up having his flow in two browsers, in Chrome where he started the process and then being redirected to Safari. We tried to prefix the redirect_uri value with the deep link for the browser, i.e. googlechrome:// (This deep linking method works fine in the case of the Bank ID application), but it does not work for Revolut. Is there any way to avoid this behavior on mobile phones? Are we doing something wrong?

I haven’t found anything on this topic on the forum @Frank