Online support for increasing top up limit

Hi there I’ve been waiting 48 hours for online support to review my documents to increase my limit. There’s been no response on the online support? There’s no other means to communicate can someone kindly respond?

The same is happening to me. I have a top up bigger than my limit pending for almost 48 hours and i need the money to pay a rent. The staff stopped responding and i cant use “live agent” again (does nothing)

Same situation, i need use money but limit block me … no support …

Funny there’s no message on the website to say things are down. Glad to hear it’s not only me with an isolated sitauation.

I’m having the same issue been waiting too. And the help functionality can’t be used either. And zero response. Last response I got was from the bot saying we are extremely busy and agent will be with you in a FEW DAYS. :scream: I mean really. Why does it say we are available 24/7 when clearly not? Very frustrating! Not happy.

Same problem here. I have been waiting for 3 days since I uploaded documents to increase my limit. And no one answers the char. What is going on? Can someone help us? Thank you

Update no change support is still down or not manned, strange chatbot is also down, let’s all keep providing updates to grow awareness on this thread.
Will try Facebook and Twitter as well to reach out.

Honestly, I have now have messaged on all social media platforms FB, Twitter and this forum. Tried calling their number but it directs me back to the In App Support.

Still no luck… any updates from anyone?

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Still nothing… I have also started another thread. It’s getting a little frustrating. Let’s hope someone responds to us.

Fingers crossed someon has responded on FB messenger.


Same here, I’ve been waiting for 6 days. No response on the in-app chat, nor fb messenger even though I stated twice it was very, very urgent. Absolutely infuriating

Hi just to let you all know, Revolut has responded and come through. Be patient as this process takes a while to review and verify income. Note you’re in a queue although you don’t know it.
