Hi.I only have virtual and physical card options for VISA only? I need MASTERCARD. What can I do?

You need to go premium to get a MasterCard.

Тhank’s. But Premium not free of charge. That’s not option.

funny how people are willing to get, but not
to give :face_with_hand_over_mouth::shushing_face:


(1) Go premium, TAKE MONTHLY PLAN!!!
(2) Order Mastercard,
(3) Cancel premium within 14 days.
(4) pay for the card, because of canceling premium



Hello, so if I have a free VISA card, so if I buy a premium account, will I get Mastercard 100%? Or do I get VISA with a premium card look?

^ This. Though I never had to do it since I was an early Revolut user.

All Premium Cards are Mastercard. There are no VISA Premiums. (Look at the app and the icons on them).

Yeah, it stinks…

But Revolut is not helpfull to get a mastercard renewed.
So when i read the T&C, this is perfecty within the rules.


This is so ridiculous! Revolut, let us finally choose between Visa and Mastercard… now and not soon (which normally means months or years)…

I was literally the opposite. I wanted a Visa, not a Mastercard. :joy:

At least for people on standard Visa only, there is a workaround to get a Mastercard. There’s none if you want a Visa. Luckily for me though, a support member gave me a Visa card and my moans have stopped.

No wonder, that the support team is overloaded! :slight_smile: