Lost account Access/Need to change telephone number

Hi Ken1

I’ve lost my old access telephone number and cant get access to my account. I cant find a way to change to my new number, any suggestions

Ken1 kcset-revolut@yahoo.com

Yes, check FAQs. They describe how to update the number when one has no access to the old number anymore.

If you cannot access the app as you need a 6-digit verification code message, please attempt to log in with your old mobile number and then select the option ‘I haven’t Received Code’ to speak to our in-app support.


PS: Also, try a search in this forum. This case is discussed here a lot. You might find an answer quicker next time without waiting for a response here :slight_smile:

I have the same problem… but getting some help from this revolout seems hopeless. All I see is people who asking for help NONE who get helps… how can this even be legal!!!