Limit amount received and EUR account

Hi Revolut team!

I just downloaded the app and I’m ready to receive money on my account. Now since I’m from Switzerland I have activated a CHF account. If I want to receive money from bank transfer it shows the reference number as well as the IBAN and BIC with the beneficiary address. But now I’ve activated a EUR account and for this new account if I want to make a bank transfer I only have my name as the beneficiary and IBAN and BIC. I just don’t want to mess up since a friend is going to send me a big amount in EUR and I don’t want to give him wrong information for the transfer.

Also I assume there is no limit on the amount in EUR that I receive on my EUR account and no limit on the transfer of EUR from my account to another EUR account? There is only a limit with FX and ATM withdraw. Right?

Thanks for your help and can’t wait starting using Revolut!

Hey there @jbsan :slight_smile:

There’s no reference number for EUR IBANs as they’re personal: yours and only yours :smiley:

For the other question, refer to the FAQs:

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