šŸ“Š Investing in stock market

Can I start a topic related to the ā€œadd stocks companyā€ ?

Please add the following stocks (update 2021-01-26) :

  • $TXG : 10X GENOMICS INC \\ 2021-01-26
  • $BNGO : BIONANO GENOMICS INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $AFRM : AFFIRM HOLDINGS INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $SKLZ : SKILLZ INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $VCYT : VERACYTE INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $PRLB : PROTO LABS INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $EDIT : EDITAS MEDICINE INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $APHA : APHRIA INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $DDD : 3D SYSTEMS INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $DM : DESKTOP METAL INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $FUBO : FUBOTV INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $ISR : ISORAY INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $NNDM : NANO DIMENSION LTD \\ 2021-01-18
  • $RESN : RESONANT INC \\ 2021-01-18
  • $TRXC : TRANSENTERIX INC \\ 2021-01-18

Best Regards.


Agree, lost money because of ths. im still up, but it could be much moreā€¦ i was unabatle to sell :frowning:

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Beste, ik ben een Belgische beleggen bij De Giro. Sinds begin 2020 ben ik verhuisd naar Costa Rica en ben er nu geruime tijd woonachtig. In 2020 heb ik dat ook gemeld bij De Giro en mocht er verder geen nieuws meer over ontvangen. Vandaag, dinsdag 26-01-20201 mocht ik per mail een brief ontvangen met de melding dat ze mijn beleggingsaccount gingen sluiten wegens mijn verblijf en woonst in Costa Rica. Dat ze mijn verblijf en woonst niet tollereren als belegger van De Giro.
Zijn er nog mensen die dezelfde ervaringen hebben met De Giro?
Wat kun je zelf ondernemen om de sluiting te voorkomen?
Welke opties zijn er nog?
Graag uw advies. Ik teken alvast met vriendelijke groet en bedankt voor uw reactie

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Hello, thank you for your question. I think in this case you should consult with a tax expert, but from my understanding they do not offer their services to non-EU residents so it is within their right to terminate your account. See if you can move your assets to another broker. Tax-havens have long been used to evade taxes and brokers started to not like this. Also please write in english next time

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Hi, Iā€™m a metal subscriber, I was under the impression I got unlimited trades, now Iā€™ve got a 90 day ban, because I exceeded a day trade limit, can someone help?

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You can trade as often as you like subject to certain restrictions around day tradingā€”these restrictions are known as Pattern Day Trader rules. Day trading refers to buying and selling the same stock on the same day. (Just buying, without selling later that same day, would not be considered a day trade.) You engage in Pattern Day Trading if you make more than three-day trades over a period of five business days. When trading in the Revolut app, you can see how many day trades you can still make without breaching the Pattern Day Trading rules.

Agree, It was such a great chance to buy a stock which I was watching for a time, but unfortunately, the market place did not workā€¦ In other words, I lost some money

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Another day, another outage apparently. Many people reporting problems with trading today, 0 communication on Revolutā€™s part, not one message

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I have 3 different apps for the stock market, they all had issues today. I just managed to log in to one

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Hi, I also had a similar challenge today but all seems fine nowā€¦

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How often does Revolut add new companies? I would like to see NOK (Nokia) be listed

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Revolut Trading having issues for the 3rd day in a row now and 0 official communication regarding this

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Trading and support are down

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It seems like Revolut is following the lead of Robin Hood and are now stopping people form buying AMC and GME stock. I was able to buy AAL without issues, but the two first are getting canceled over and over again.


Could be about Drivewealthā€˜s market access / trading platform. Not necessarily a deliberate decision by Revolut.

How will give us the money which we ll gonna loose now?

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According to Revolut and the canceled trades, their customer rep said that

ā€œWeā€™d like to let you know that our trading partner identified an issue affecting the functionality of our Trading features, causing some customersā€™ trades to show as ā€œpendingā€ for longer than usual. Our team is working on it as we speak, and everything should be running as normal soon. Weā€™ll let you know as soon as we have an update. Thanks for your patience, and weā€™re sorry for any inconvenience.ā€


I had the same problem yesterday. A few orders were pending, for 40 min. I couldnā€™t cancel, so to be able I order again.

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today is the same, I cant cancel orders

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