Incomplete information on FAQ

The most important part are missed, you can send and receive money only from/to verified users.

Last summer (5 months ago) I can send and receive money without any limits (log shows it), and now I have to be sure that beneficiary is verified Revoliut user.

At least there is no FAQ post about verify process for users who are not so good in technologies.

Hi @draugas,

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We’ll update this now.


Andreas K.

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@anon33247966 no problem, this is not complaint. This is not your fault, but card issuer requirement.
However could be more information on important changes, not only about new features.

For e.g on this error could be written that you can send or receive money only from verified users. (It will save a lot of time, searching for the problem).

Thank You,
have a good day.

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