Identity Verification, no response from Support

I have requested to increase my annual top up limit and have submitted my identity documents and income, I’ve submitted this twice already and it’s been over 24 hours however there hasn’t been any response from Revolut yet.

I tried contacting Support on mobile chat, but there isn’t any response.

Can someone advise please?

Thank you

Ask Ritabot for Live agent or alternatively contact Revolut on Twitter/facebook …
Can take a bit longer than 24hrs.
Cheers :wink:

Thanks I’ve tried Rita bot on the phone and it doesn’t work, I’ve chatted to a support agent before and I think it may be stuck on that page.

Any Revolut Agents able to assist here?

Try to message directly @anon33247966 or @jessicaszabla
On chat you can enquiry and they should get back to you later :slight_smile:


Thanks, chat is finally speaking to me now… :slight_smile:

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