Exchange rate markup - NEW RULES?

Revolut is uncontactable by design, not by accident.

The agents just copy and paste instead of providing actual support but it’s not the agents who set their incentives this way for themselves. If this were deemed against the interest of the company, it would have been overhauled long time ago.

Apparently they just see no value in customer retention and/or expect people to have short attention span. Ethics aside, this might even work out for them. However, it has never been attempted in the area of finance before, so Revolut is indeed a bit revolutionary here. Leaving the customer unable to answer in practice is also quite an innovation.

When you contact them via their “live” chat (what a travesty of a name by the way), you have to wait, possibly more than a day. Yet when they start writing back to you, and you’re not around to type back immediately, then it’s “extended inactivity” and you’re “archived” before you know it. It certainly helps that there isn’t even a chat notification outside the app.

It’s common sense that the customer should be asked to confirm an inquiry was resolved before it can be “archived.” Whoever set things up the way they currently are must have realized the consequences.