EUR account is simply unusable (unsuitable BIC )

I just came from a BPI branch and it was possible to do the money transfer there, with the LT IBAN and the Swift without the XXX. But through my online account it is still not possible… the error keeps coming up!

So apparantly the IBAN and BIC combination is not valid after all. Also the topup screen in the app is now (for me at least) reverted back to the old GB IBAN with the reference. To me it seems like that Revolut decided to roll back the new personal IBANs and wait until they have UK IBANs to roll them out to users.

who is supposed to be the beneficiary of the transfer? the proprietary of the revolut account or REVOLUT LTD?

I have the same problem and i dont know how to fix it, i wish to use the reference as before

You can still use the old method of transferring your EUR to the Lloyd Bank collection account with the personal reference.

But i cant find the personal reference :frowning:

It’s the same reference number in other currencies - check there

Ohh! thanks so much :slight_smile:

See here too: No top up from italian bank account

I had the same problem with one of my spanish banks, Bankia, but then I tried with my second bank, BBVA, and it looks like I made the transfer even if I didn’t get it reflected in my revolut account yet.

UPDATE: I got the amount with my second bank (BBVA) using the REVOGBXXX BIC.

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Hello all,

I raised this ticket and saw that I’m not the only one suffering from this problem…
Let me please summarize this matter (hoping that someone from Revolut has been taking this thread into suitable account):

Bank transfers from European banks to Revolut “personal account” fail because a Lithuanian IBAN is not accepted to be linked to an UK-based BIC (which is REVOGB21 according to Revolut App).

It seems that there are two categories of affected Customers:
C1) Customers (like me) who want to make serious use of Revolut for business purposes. These are customers who need an EUR account within the SEPA network so that they can receive payments from tenants/clients/anyone operating within the European SEPA network. Of course the reference for such payments is different (one can write something like “payment of invoice number XXX” or “rental of May 2017” or whatever).
C2) Customers who just want to use Revolut “for fun”.

S1) Use REVOGB21XXX rather than REVOGB21 as BIC. This solution has worked for someone and failed for many (including me). In fact this solution can only work IN CASE your bank (which you want to move the money from) only complained about THE FORMAT of the BIC (which in the past was used to carry 11 bytes rather than 8 bytes only). This solution cannot work for banks (like mine) which complain about the incongruence of a Lithuanian IBAN coupled with an UK-based BIC.
S2) Use the old method which implies making use of an UK IBAN (which ‘was/still is’ the general Revolut collector linked to “REVOLUT LTD” as Beneficiary) with a mandatory use of the “personal reference” (which allow the rerouting of money from the general collector to your personal Revolut account).
This “solution” might be good for C2 Customers (the ones who are using Revolut just for fun), yet it is NOT acceptable for C1 Customers (like me) for the following reasons:

  • we do not want our conterparts to use an UK-based account for transactions denominated in EUR because they do not want to incur in any fees/expenses while dealing with currency exchange AND they do not want to refer to something which is going to be out of SEPA soon (Brexit…)

  • we must give our counterparts the ability to insert a Reference which pertains to each specific transfer! We obviously cannot tell everyone “please use my personal reference code”!

Therefore, in the end, I keep being extremely disappointed with this problem up to the point that I’m now forced to start looking for alternatives out of Revolut.

I love Revolut but, as for the time being, there are things which must be improved (unless you only want to keep using Revolut just “for fun”).

Lastly, dear Revolut, I think that you should NOT have advertised the benefits of having an EUR personal account BEFORE having thoroughly checked that it actually works as it should do.

Love and peace to everyone,


Ditto Credit Agricole in France. Creating a “virement” to Revolut via CA on line doesn’t work as
1.The IBAN is Lithuanian not French, so a form has to be emailed in.
2.If the form is submitted the IBAN and BIC/SWIFT pair are different one LT and the other GB.

Same for the German DKB (Deutsche Kreditbank) bank. They claim that SEPA rules mandate that the country of the IBAN is the same as the one of the BIC. In Revolut’s case they’re different and therefore DKB says they will continue not to support that :neutral_face: .

Same here… Impossible to make a bank transfer from a bank in Belgium (Beobank). Even with the “REVOGB21XXX” format as suggested, it complains that it’s not valid.

When you contacted Beobank what did they say?

Getting the same issue with Bank of Cyprus.

I like revolut’s service, but getting paid is very important for all their customers. Their accounts should work like any other account does, without having to call bank to update their bic code and being charged for payments that are returned.

Same issue still with Citibank UK: Unable to add SEPA payee with BIC REVOGB21 nor REVOGB21XXX. Bank says incorrect BIC

We are unable to process your transfer due to technical reasons. The payment has been rejected. For further information please contact Citiphone.To check status on your payment, please call CitiPhone quoting this reference:RM1817FG1737

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…and what did they tell you after you called them and made them aware of their mistake?

They told me they are checking this BIC, and they promised to come back to me once they confirm the transfers are working targeting it. They are checking for 2 weeks already and last time I checked they promised some outcome this week

Sounds about right; this is the case with any new BIC then I guess. You can only persue them to work faster, or not use any financial instutitions which use newly created BICs for 5years or so :wink:

It’s really anoying to see that some banks take >1year or so to update their BIC tables though. weeks or months are not unheared of, but this seems awfully long if they still don’t know that BIC by now.