Device Insurance Policy

Hey all,

I just looked for some more opinions on Simplesurance and they’re mostly bad with some exceptions.

All of them, however, share that the communicacion was terrible. Don’t take me wrong, but communication is, by far, :r:'s weakest point, with a poor customer support (yeah, let’s be honest. it’s quite bad for a bank, everyone knows). The last thing needed is a partner that fails miserably in the same aspect.

Also, you can find some different perspective on simplesurance through its (ex-)employees:

  • Communication is still poor from the management. […] Training is almost unheard of, unless you beg for it.
  • Company is apparently beyond founders’ capacity to manage. […] Total lack of leadership […]. Error/ complaint rate is horrendous […]. Feels currently like Rocket - another Berlin startups that is overhyped and undermanaged…
  • Hire&Fire policy
  • :warning: Decisions are always driven from the top management. Sometimes they get up in the morning with new ideas and push the team to implement it without further analysis and consideration. […] For an insurance company they are not happy with customers filing more claims for the insurance they bought so they try to reduce the number of claims filed as much as possible. If the customer is filing a claim for a theft insurance there is a very low probability that it will be honored. At the end of the day you would feel like not improving the lives of the customer but rather the lives of the top management :warning:
  • No sales strategy but still ask for lots of results. Partners don’t make money neither. […] Hell of a management. […] Toxic atmosphere. Customer support is badly managed
  • You are just a “resource” that needs to execute. Your ideas values nothing. Rudeness is present at every corner.

This is, let’s say… bad. Plain bad.
And, on top of that, the only 6 opinions found on :bird: Twitter seem to point the same way:

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