Deux comptes ?

Est il possible d’ouvrir deux comptes Revolut ? et avoir deux cartes MasterCard?

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Hi there.

You cannot have two accounts. However you can have two cards active and linked to your Revolut account.

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Can we use the 2 cards un 2 différent countrys the same day,

Someone else is using the other card? That’s not recommended.

(If it‘s about traveling from one country to another and using different cards in each, that would be no problem. :wink: )

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My Revolut card is used by my chldren and I want to know if it’s possible to have 2 cards, one for each of my child, used the same day in 2 different places or may be in 2 different countries?
It’s for me the easiest way to give them money if needed.

11. Are there any restrictions on using the Revolut app or Revolut Card?

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