Bitcoin bid/ask spread is.... huge

Currently 11850/12280, that’s crazy, especially when the underlying GBP/EUR and EUR/BTC spreads (assuming GBP/EUR on Bitstamp) are both tiny.

I know you need to account for some volatility as you’re acting as an intermediary, but that’s a ~4% spread: why is the price difference so huge?


I would love to know he answer to this too. It makes using the feature far too risky.

Same here…Just bought for 1€ Ether for 695.
And sell is 675€ :scream:

Why is the spread so huge?


The spread is still huge. Around 3% today. Is there no further info about why the spread is so large and when this might be rectified?

The best way to get bitcoin is to get paid using bitcoin, but using intermediaries is a fraud. They justify the spread because of the volatility but they forget that prices go UP as well as DOWN. When you buy BTC via Revolut, Coinbase etc you already know that you’ve lost money, unlike foreign exchange, that’s why I wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. When the fee/spread stops becoming outrageous that’s when I’ll invest in it, otherwise, thanks, but no thanks.

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